Social Media, you’re looking at me

How do we get anything done when the call of tweets, grams and posts are all around us? My phone beeps at me telling me someone liked a picture I posted to Instagram and my iPad buzzes if Idris Elba posts absolutely anything on twitter.

Shhh I say; I’m writing, Idris, I’ll get to you in a minute – said no woman ever.

There had to be a solution.  In January I resolved to fix all the holes in my WIP and that wasn’t going to happen if I was reading Stephen King’s tweets, even if they are brilliant.  Can he write a boring shopping list, I wonder? No probably not.

De-socialising my computer was the answer.

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This little zone is social free. To prevent any penetration of the online world I do not log into Twitter, Instagram or WordPress on this computer. If I want to check these sites I  have to go through the process of putting in my email and remembering the various passwords I used on each.  Who wants to do that? There is no quick bookmarks for these sites like there is on my lap top,  there is no easy way to get social on this monster. It’s a working beast. It’s my zone. It has Scrivener and Spotify and that’s about it.  As soon as my writer self sits down it thinks write, not social. The brain really is trainable.


It’s a cute little zone.

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It usually has a cup of coffee but I drank it 🙂

The social side, which I enjoy very much is no longer holding me back. That’s on all the other devices. Phone, iPad and laptop are very social.

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Here is the social zone hanging out around the lounge.  The addictive bullet journal (bujo for the initiates)  is waiting for me to finish my writing. My lap top is the fun online space. It has none of the responsibility of the desk top.  I think the big one resents its fun little cousin so I keep them apart.

And there you have it. My solution to getting work done. It took some will power but now it’s habit and I will do a post on the book I read that helped me implement habits soon, but now it’s time to write.

Happy Monday!




11 thoughts on “Social Media, you’re looking at me

  1. Your workspace looks very neat and tidy! I wish mine did. I have the same problem as you but in my study/workspace there is no internet connection as my walls are so thick the wireless signal can’t get through! Same solution re social media but a bugger for everything else internet related! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s not always that neat..I do a tidy before bed so that I wake up and can write immediately rather than procrastinate. By the end of a writing session it looks like a whirlwind of “Where did I put that moments.”
      No internet on your work PC is a great idea. I fear I would jump up to fact check too often and get lured in by the call of the blog 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Brilliant plan! I also like the thought of no internet on my work PC but I, like you, want the convenience of fact checking. I do sometimes go to the library armed with nothing but a spiral notebook and pen when I’m trying to push through a block of some kind.


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